Sunday 17 March 2013

SCJP - 16 - Using the fragments below, complete the following code so it compiles. Note, you may not have to fill all of the slots.


As there is no droppable tile for the variable x and the parentheses (in the Kinder constructor),
are already in place and empty, there is no way to construct a call to the superclass constructor
that takes an argument. Therefore, the only remaining possibility is to create a call to the no-argument
superclass constructor. This is done as: super();. The line cannot be left blank, as the
parentheses are already in place. Further, since the superclass constructor called is the no-argument
version, this constructor must be created. It will not be created by the compiler because
there is another constructor already present.
(Objective 5.4)
class AgedP {
__________ __________ __________ __________ __________
public AgedP(int x) {
__________ __________ __________ __________ __________
public class Kinder extends AgedP {
__________ __________ __________ _________ ________ __________

public Kinder(int x) {
__________ __________ __________ __________ __________ ();
Fragments: Use the following fragments zero or more times:
AgedP super this
( ) { }
class AgedP {
AgedP() {}
public AgedP(int x) {
public class Kinder extends AgedP {
public Kinder(int x) {

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